Bridge structure 3D visualization Löcknitz east

Bridge structure 3D visualization, Löcknitz east

Project: A 14, Löcknitzquerung
Content: 3D engineering structure visualization Löcknitz Brandenburg, Bird view, Autobahn, bridge, highway bridge, landscaping, photomontage
Client: BUNG Ingenieure AG
Building contractor: DEGES Berlin


Technology used for the aerial photographs

The aerial photograph was taken with a multicopter (drone). The flight height was about 70m. Multicopter flying using GPS control at predetermined positions. In the video glasses was transmitted the live video image from the camera. This allows to control the camera position and trigger the camera by radio from the ground station.

Aerial images by Detlef Lange, Luftkamera.com

  • Die Bilder zeigen das Fluggerät, Fernsteuerung und die Videobrille für die Luftaufnahmen.

Photos left to right:

Multicopter 8 E-engines, GPS

Ground control, Videomonitor and PDA

Video glasses

Comparison photo and photomontage

  • comparative aerial photography with photomontage, 3d visualization